Phaser 3 Basics: Changing Positions

In this guide, we will be taking a look at how to manipulate the position of images and sprites in Phaser 3. Being able to change the x and y positions of objects in your game is very useful and will allow you to add some awesome mechanics. Before we begin, I will assume you already created a scene and added a sprite or image. Don’t have a scene added? I would recommend checking out this tutorial I wrote....

September 28, 2019 · 3 min · Jared

Phaser 3 Basics: Loading Sounds

In this guide, we will be learning how to load sounds with Phaser 3. At this point it would be useful if you had a scene already setup. If you don’t, you can take a look at my boilerplate code guide in this series. In your scene, define a preload method if you haven’t already. In order to define an image, you will need to follow this syntax:, );...

September 27, 2019 · 2 min · Jared

Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3 – 5

In the last part of this course, “Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3”, we have added the bulk of our code for our space shooter. We have covered adding enemies, player lasers, enemy lasers, frustum culling, and collisions in the last part. There are a few things we will finish up in this part to conclude this course. We will be adding a scrolling background, filling in the main menu, and create the game over screen....

February 8, 2019 · 10 min · Jared

Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3 – 4

In the last part of “Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3”, we finished writing our base Entity class, our player class, and the player movement. In this part we will implement a couple enemies and give them basic AI. At this point you should have an error-free game where you can move the player around via the W, S, A, D keys. If so, it’s time to open Entities.js back up....

February 8, 2019 · 12 min · Jared

Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3 – 3

In the last part, we finished setting up the basis for our scene files: SceneMainMenu.js, SceneMain.js, and SceneGameOver.js. At this point you can try running the game by navigating to localhost/(game folder name)/index.html. There might be a port that’s needed when viewing files on some web servers, for example, localhost:8000. If everything is right, you should see a black rectangle on the page. The black rectangle is the area where your game will be drawn....

February 7, 2019 · 9 min · Jared

Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3 – 2

In the last part of this course, we finished creating the files and folders we need for our game. The next thing we need to do is start building out our index.html. In order to start coding our HTML and JavaScript files, you will need a text editor. If you have not programmed yet, any text editor will work such as Notepad, Visual Studio Code, Atom, etc. I personally use Visual Studio Code for web development, it’s fast and simply works....

February 6, 2019 · 5 min · Jared

Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3 – 1

With the latest release of Phaser 3 (as of now, v3.16.1), there has never been a better time to jump into Phaser than now! In this free course, we will be exploring creating a basic space shooter with Phaser 3. I will start by saying that it is quite beneficial to have the basics of JavaScript under your belt. If you don’t, be sure to check out my free course, “JavaScript Beginner Blocks“....

February 6, 2019 · 5 min · Jared